Thursday 23 April 2015

How I Wash My Makeup Brushes

Hey guys!! How's your week been? It's almost Friday! :D

Before I start this post I just want to say Happy 50th post to me!!! How exciting lol. This is a big deal for me y'know. I've been blogging for about 6 months and I've enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I'm working on my consistency though. I'm also going to do more posts on topics other than natural hair, like this one for example.

Before I took a make-up course at MUD Academy, (Read about my experience here: My MUD (Make Up Designory Experience) I only had 2 makeup brushes. I had 2 foundation brushes which I used like once in 2 or 3 months. I'm an eyeliner and lipstick kinda girl but sometimes when I'm going out I like a face beat :)

During my makeup course one of the things I learnt was that you have to wash your makeup brushes. I've had this Dr. Bronner's Almond Castile Soap for a while now. I bought it during my product junkie days to use as a shampoo but I didn't really like how it made my hair feel. I remember that I had read about how you can use it for practically everything. Bathing, washing your clothes, some people even use it to brush their teeth. Anyway I googled it and it seems a lot of people use it for washing their make up brushes. The first time I used it, I was so happy I had found a makeup brush cleaner and I didn't need to spend money on an expensive one. It's also made of natural oils so your brush ends up feeling soft when it dries.

This is how I wash my make upbrushes.

I wet my palm with water and then add a few drops of Castile soap to my palm. (I forgot to wet my palm for the first makeup brush but I did that for all the others).

Next, I wet my make upbrush with a little water and swirl the brush around my palm. I don't usually have to do this more than once but if my brush is really dirty, I wet the brush a little and repeat the process.

I love the look of clean brushes! :D 

Have you tried Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap? What do you use it for?


  1. Happy 50th post to you dear. You're doing an amazing job. Keep doing what you do.

    1. Thank you for the kind words Desire! I appreciate it :)


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